Wait!!!.. do you see what I see??... YES!.YES!!.. that right!!. its really Shakira!!.. and man, her HIPS DON'T LIE!.... this was the launch of her "Oral Fixation" world tour that started in the historical city of Zaragoza, Spain. (its pronounced "with tongue sticking out"-zha-ra-go-zha!).. I went there with my sister Eva, who was the sole winner of the MTV-shakira contest in Malaysia. She wrote a slogan and won. I wish she wins all the time -man!!.. haha. Gosh, it was my first time in Europe, my-my, it is such a beautiful place.
Zaragoza, is much like our historical city of Malacca where 'it' all started. The structures and the buildings are so much like those we see in Malacca but greater in splendour of course. It is really mind-blowing that in the past people actually travelled across the seven seas to this other side of the world (asia-pacific) to evangelize and seek new grounds...even when their homeland was so much more ahead in terms of culture, civilization and technology... it's really mind-blowing.
The highlight besides the shopping and beautiful people :().. was of course Shakira's concert. It was a full dress rehearsal held at an open-air car park-hanger area.. huge place.. about 5 acres I think (the actual concert was the day after). The best thing was we were the only group present!!. well about 30 of us... winner's of the MTV-Shakira contest from all around the world, no kidding!. We met people from Portugal, Brazil, Turkey, Spain, Holland, Finland, Iceland, Australia, Japan, Thailand, England.. gosh!. just so many.
So apart from being invited for this exclusive event, I managed to see how things are done at the Sound desk and had a little glimpse of the activity backstage. It was amazing!!.. checkout the pictures for yourself!. finally the moment we've all been waiting for came .. we got to see Shakira in person! I was not really a fan of hers till I met her. She really knows what she's doing, and it was real talent and hard work that got her where she is now. She has also done so much for her country (Colombia) that she's now a global icon and is honoured in her homeland too. Talk about influence man!
I wish we could've stayed a few more days after that night. It felt like a dream at first. These pictures (there's so many more alright!) are proof that it was really a reality.
God did grant me the desire of my heart to see the world after all. I'm Grateful.
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